Student Opportunities Overview
Students engaging in the DPS Shakespeare Festival have many different opportunities of how to get involved.
Kickoff and Parade
The DPS Shakespeare Festival starts off with a gathering of the masses in Skyline Park for a welcoming and opening address from our William and Queen Elizabeth. Then followed by 3 block parade route in to the Denver Center to kick off the Festival.
Apply to be William Shakespeare and Queen Elizabeth:
Students selected get to lead the Parade to the Arts Complex and provide the Festival with the Student Welcome address.
Performing Participant
Many of our DPS students make their stage debuts on stages throughout the Shakespeare Festival. The Denver Performing Arts Complex is filled with more stages and more performances on this one day then will happen throughout the rest of the year. Please see our performance guidelines.
Street Theatre
No need to audition, just sign-up as you arrive (slots are first come, first serve and may fill fast). Then perform you Shakespeare selection of 2-5 minutes to your audience next to the entrance.
Challenge Bowl
A competition between schools of questions that test a student’s knowledge of the life and times of Shakespeare, as well as his plays. The competition is separated into grade levels: Lower School (K-5) and Upper School (6-12). Only teams that have pre-registered will be allowed to participate in the Challenge Bowl! Competition will be limited to eight teams for each session. The Challenge Bowl is scheduled to be on The Joe Craft Theater from 2 – 3 pm.
Poster and T-Shirt Design:
DPS is proud to feature the artwork of our student community. This year’s festival theme is “King Lear” We accept student artwork submissions for the festival through halloween leading up the the festival, which will be featured on the T-shirts, posters, website, etc. Please email all artwork submissions including student name, and grade (.jpeg formatting is preferred) to contact Anna Dyste.
Student Stage Managers
The DPS Shakespeare Festival has a rich tradition of empowering students as Stage Managers throughout the festival. Students may apply via the stage manager page to take part in building their stage management skills, and experience with this on going tradition.